Tips For Protecting Your Teeth When Playing Sports

You may or may not know that we are sports enthusiasts here at WoodSprings Dentistry. Dr. James and Dr. Samantha are both runners and even ran the Houston Half Marathon this past year! Sports of all kinds bring so many benefits to participants but also bring some natural risks. While many people may consider the potential injuries from sports to be limited to muscle or joint injuries, dental injuries from sports are very real, very costly, and certain dental or oral injuries may impact the individual’s life outside of sports as well.

According to some studies, up to 80% of sports participants have been impacted by dental injuries (source). While accurate statistics regarding dental injuries in sports may be difficult to ascertain, the potential risks are nevertheless real and oftentimes can be prevented with the right safeguards and protective gear.

Before you or your child participate in any sport or athletic activity, please keep in mind the following tips about the best way to protect yourself and your teeth when playing sports. 

WoodSprings Dentistry helps protect your teeth during sports with custom-fitted mouth guards

Be aware of the risks.

Certain sports are known to have a greater risk of dental injury than others because sports are typically divided into different categories of contact, including full, semi, limited and no-contact. Full contact sports, such as football, boxing, or martial arts, require protective gear such as helmets, mouth guards, and face shields, because of the high-risk of injury due to the nature of the sport. Limited or no contact sports, such as basketball, running or cycling, are oftentimes considered to be lower risk for participants. 

To a certain extent, this is true. However, limited and no contact sports do not carry the same requirements for protective gear, meaning that a participant is oftentimes more vulnerable and therefore more likely to receive an injury in the event of an accident or collision. So the reality is that all sports carry with them some risk of dental injury that needs to be taken into consideration. Help your child understand the risks of dental injury and the importance of playing safe and playing by the rules in order to prevent unnecessary risk or accidents.

Use mouth guards.

Mouth guards are a great investment to protect your dental health in sports. Contact sports, like football and martial arts, should always require the use of mouth guards for participants. Even if mouth guards are not a required piece of protective gear in your sport, it’s still a good idea! The cost, inconvenience and trauma of a chipped tooth or lost tooth in a sports injury far exceeds the cost of a custom-fitted mouthguard.

If you or your child are involved in any organized sport, talk to your dentist about custom mouth guards. Not sure if you need a mouth guard? It’s never hurts to ask and to be prepared. Talk to Dr. Samantha or Dr. James at your next appointment to find out what mouth guard might be right for you.

Know what to do in the case of dental injury or emergency.

If you or child experience a dental injury while playing sports, don’t panic. If you are able, find the tooth that has been knocked out. This is especially important in younger children in order to ensure that the tooth has not been swallowed and is not a choking hazard. Once the tooth is found, you can attempt to place the tooth back in the mouth, holding it in place until you arrive at the dentist’s office for an emergency appointment. Stop any bleeding by applying a clean, damp compress to the injury site and gently apply pressure. 

Call your dentist immediately following the injury. Even if the lost or chipped tooth is a baby tooth, you should still call your dentist and bring your child in for an appointment as soon as possible. 

If you have any questions about the risks of dental injury in sports or about how to get fitted for a custom mouthguard, ask one of our dentists at your next dental appointment. WoodSprings Dentistry conveniently serves patients from The Woodlands and Spring, TX, and we are committed to helping provide the best dental care possible to our community.

Looking for a dentist in The Woodlands or Spring who provides comprehensive family and general dentistry? Call WoodSprings Dentistry and book your appointment today.

Joelle Allen