Managing Dental Anxiety

If you fear going to the dentist, please note that you are not alone. Feeling fear or anxiety is very common in adults when faced with the need for any kind of dental procedure. At Woodsprings Dentistry, our goal is to help you have a comfortable experience. We want to acknowledge that your anxiety related to dental care is very real.  We would like to offer some helpful tips for managing your anxiety to make your visit more successful. 

Oral health is a critical component to your overall health and wellbeing, and we do not want you to forsake this care due to worry and fear. Going to the dentist is only for your benefit. Keeping this fact in mind is important for your journey in overcoming your dental fears.



#1: Acknowledge your fears.

It is important to start by asking yourself, “What am I afraid of?.” As with many things, acknowledging your feelings regarding professional dental care is necessary in order to understand how to address the fear in a healthy way. Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself: “Which part of my upcoming appointment or procedure is causing the anxiety?” Is it the idea of keeping your mouth open for extended periods of time? The fear of pain? The sound of the tools used? Is it that you don’t feel confident in your provider or the treatment plan? Being honest about your anxiety and then connecting your anxiety to something specific is a helpful first step.

#2: Choose the right dentist and talk with your provider about your anxiety.

Our dentists, Drs. James and Samantha Tejada, as well as our entire team of dental professionals want nothing more than for you to have an exceptional experience! Please talk with us about your concerns. When you schedule your appointment, let our scheduling coordinator know about your fears. When you begin your appointment or consultation, share your questions, anxieties and concerns with our dentists. Our team of experienced providers will give you the personalized care and special attention you need to make your visit more calm and comfortable. 

#3: Become familiar with your surroundings.

Sometimes anxiety is caused by lack of familiarity. Plan to arrive early to your appointment to give yourself time to become acquainted with the office. Giving yourself extra time to talk with the office staff will help you to relax before your visit. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions - ask your provider about the different tools or treatments that will be used during your procedure. Ask about the technology. If the tray of tools causes concern or the sounds they make, ask which tools will be used for your procedure, what the names of the tools are, and why they are necessary. Understanding what is around you and also the competency of your provider with those tools may help the entire experience to seem less intimidating.

#4: Bring someone with you.

Ask a friend or family member to join you for your appointment. Whether they wait for you in the lobby or join you in the room, having a trusted companion present can help you feel safer and more relaxed. If you are having a procedure that includes sedation dentistry, it is usually recommended that a friend or family member drive you home. Having a supportive person nearby can help you feel more comfortable and at ease.

#5: Practice good dental hygiene.

Practicing good dental and oral hygiene in between visits can give you greater confidence and awareness about your oral health…which creates a more positive atmosphere when arriving at your dental or oral healthcare providers office.

  • Brush and floss twice daily. 

  • Use mouthwash. 

  • Avoid tobacco. 

  • Swish or rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking sugary or acidic foods or drinks. 

Sometimes dental anxiety can be caused by a feeling of failure in your oral health hygiene. You can eliminate that fear by starting new, healthy habits today. Not sure if your oral and dental hygiene habits are what they should be? Call us or talk with your provider at your next appointment so that you feel confident and empowered in your daily routine.

#6: Know that you are in control.

Ultimately your dental or oral healthcare visit is YOURS. You may feel like you are at the mercy of the dentist or the hygienist or the surgeon, but the reality is that you are in control of your healthcare and your experience. Our team is trained to explain to you how you can signal to us at any time if you experience feelings of discomfort. Good healthcare providers will respond immediately to your concerns.

Of course there is no magic wand that can be waved in order to eliminate all fear and anxiety associated with dental and oral healthcare. If you are experiencing anxiety regarding any aspect of your upcoming appointment or procedure at our dental office, please let us know. And if you are living with dental or periodontal pain and discomfort because of your fear of dental procedures, please call our office. Dentists in The Woodlands and Spring, TX, Drs. James and Samantha Tejada will be happy to do everything possible to alleviate your concerns and make your experience as comfortable as possible. Your health is worth it!