5 Reasons to Wear a Night Guard

Are you experiencing teeth grinding when you’re sleeping?  Do you suffer from chronic headaches or jaw pain because you clench your teeth?  Left untreated, teeth grinding can cause chips and cracks in your teeth, jaw pain, and other dental health problems. Our Spring, TX, dentists may recommend wearing a custom-made mouthguard at night to help reduce your teeth-grinding symptoms and improve your sleep.

What is a Night Guard?

A night teeth guard, also known as a night guard or occlusal splint, is a dental device that is worn during sleep to protect the teeth and jaw from the negative effects of teeth grinding or clenching, a condition known as bruxism. Night teeth guards can benefit individuals who experience bruxism or related symptoms. 

The biggest advantage of wearing a night guard is its ability to protect your teeth. That is why our dentists, Drs. James and Samantha Tejada, suggest this solution to their patients. Simply put, wearing a mouthguard at night will protect your teeth from damage and your health from the side effects of bruxism and TMJ disorder.

custom fitted night guards from WoodSprings Dentistry in Spring and The Woodlands, TX, helps treat TMJ and bruxism

5 Reasons to Wear a Nightguard

If you are wondering whether or not you are a good candidate for a night guard, know that your dentist may recommend a custom-fitted mouth guard to help you with the following symptoms and conditions: 

Reduce Bruxism Symptoms

Wearing a mouthguard at night is an excellent solution to preventing jaw-clenching symptoms. It will create a barrier between the upper and lower teeth so they don’t grind together while you sleep. As a result, it will not only reduce Bruxism symptoms but improve your overall dental health.

Reduce Teeth Grinding or Clenching Symptoms

People who experience symptoms associated with teeth grinding or clenching, such as jaw pain, headaches, tooth sensitivity, worn-down teeth, or fractured dental restorations, can benefit from using a night teeth guard. The guard helps alleviate these symptoms by cushioning the impact and reducing the pressure on the teeth and jaw joints.

Prevents TMJ Disorder

Injuries to the jaw or the temporomandibular joint are commonly known as TMJ disorder. The symptoms of TMJ disorder include pain or tenderness in the face, jaw, neck, or around the ear, a popping or clicking sound when you open or close the mouth, a jaw that seems to get stuck or locked in a position, and a sudden uncomfortable bite. 

A properly fitted night guard shifts the jaw and teeth into proper alignment, which can alleviate jaw tension, headaches, pain, and other TMJ disorder symptoms. In addition to wearing a night guard to correct and protect against TMJ disorder, our dentists also recommend supplementing the use of a night guard with Botox treatments. Learn more about the benefits of Botox and the use of Botox in treating TMJ disorder if you are suffering from any of these symptoms.

Prevent Chronic Headaches

Custom night guards also help reduce strain caused by clenching and grinding by providing a “cushion” between the upper and lower teeth. The guards fit securely and are extremely comfortable to wear while you sleep. The special plastic material acts as a cushion between your upper and lower teeth, so if you bite down, the stress on your jaw is minimized and the pressure on your facial muscles and nerves is reduced. 

Protect Dental Restorations

People who have dental restorations like crowns, bridges, or veneers may benefit from using a night teeth guard. Bruxism can exert excessive force on these restorations, leading to their damage or premature wear. A night guard can help protect the dental work and prolong its lifespan.

Custom-Fitted Night Guards at WoodSprings Dentistry

Schedule a consultation today with one of our Spring, TX dental professionals to find out if a custom-fitted night guard is the right treatment for you. Our team of experts at WoodSprings Dentistry can help assess your pain and provide you with custom-fitted mouthguards that will protect your teeth and prevent painful injuries.